So many wonderful First Nations children's picture books have been published in recent years, and there are so many ways we can genuinely incorporate and learn from these books in the classroom. Here are a few suggestions:
Acknowledgement of Country
Begin the year by creating a unique and meaningful Acknowledgement of Country with your new class. Use First Nations books to learn about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, cultures, languages and protocols.
Somebody's Land by Adam Goodes and Ellie Laing
Welcome to Country by Aunty Joy Murphy
Come Together by Isaiah Firebrace
Cross-curriculum Book Study
Choose a First Nations book to be the focus of a cross-curriculum unit of work.
Ask Aunty: Seasons, an introduction to First Nations seasons (there are opportunities to link this text to all subject areas!)
Significant First Nations Dates
Use First Nations books to support lessons about significant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander days/events, e.g. Sorry Day.
For 60,000 Years by Marlee Silva (Australia Day/Invasion Day)
Day Break by Amy McQuire (Australia Day/Invasion Day)
Freedom Day: Vincent Lingiari and the Story of the Wave Hill Walk-Off by Thomas Mayo and Rosie Smiler
Found by Bruce Pascoe (Sorry Day)
Specific Subject Areas
Introduce or reflect on a topic by reading a First Nations book, e.g. reading Kick with my Left Foot by Paul Seden at the beginning of a PE lesson.
First Scientists by Corey Tutt (at the beginning or end of a relevant science lesson)
Albert Namatjira by Vincent Namatjira (at the beginning or end of a relevant art lesson)
Shared Reading
Read First Nations books or books with First Nations characters/representation in your teacher or shared reading time.
Kookoo Kookaburra by Gregg Dreise
I Love Me by Sally Morgan
Black Cockatoo by Carl Merrison and Hakea Hustler
Charlie's Swim by Edith Wright
Model Texts
Intentionally include First Nations books to model particular language features, punctuation, grammar, types of sentences, text types, etc.
Shapes of Australia by Bronwyn Bancroft for alliteration, similes, metaphors and descriptive language.
The River by Sally Morgan for nouns, verbs, adjectives and questions.
Diverse Bookshelves
Making sure your classroom/school library has a variety of First Nations books that students can read and borrow.
Sea Country by Aunty Patsy Cameron
The Trees by Victor Steffensen
Country by Aunty Fay Muir and Sue Lawson
Bush Tucker Counting by Maureen Glover
We are Australians by Duncan Smith and Nicole Godwin
Our Flag Our Story by Bernard Namok Jnr and Thomas Mayo
My Culture and Me by Gregg Dreise
See my 'Recommendations' page for more of the First Nations books and resources I recommend for Australian classrooms!

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